Check Me Out!

How To Order

Interested? All you have to do is, either:

a) Call: Rhiannon 03-21062516
             Hjh. Asri   019-7272772

b) Email (easier):
         i) List the product number and quantity (eg. B131 (1) )
        ii) State your size (eg.54" (M) )
       iii) Give us your personal details:Name
                                                               Email Address
                                                               Phone Number
       iv) Wait for our reply to confirm the availability of the product.Given that 
            our company is new, the quantity is limited. Once confirmed, you can 
            proceed with payment. For the time being, we accept money order or
            bank transfer. Details for payment will be provided in our reply.
       v) Once payment received, we will deliver the abaya / abayat via poslaju.
      vi) Then, sit back, relax and wait for your abaya / abayat to arrive for
           your very own beautiful collection.